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Our blogs walk you through usecases and show you how to make the most of CodeScene and your code. Our developers share best practices and cover topics less explored, but so valuable to development organizations.

    Analyse Pair and Mob Programming Patterns

    When we started developing CodeScene, our overall goal was to show that there is more to code than code; we wanted to highlight–and make actionable–all the information that is invisible in the code itself. 

    Early Warnings for Future Maintenance Problems

    A codebase under active development evolves at a rapid pace, and as soon as the organization scales beyond 10-12 people it’s virtually impossible for a single individual to maintain a holistic picture of the system. 

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    Most popular posts

    Here are some of our most read posts and articles.

    New visual identity
    New website
    new product interface
    CodeScene just got a new look!

    The new identity revolves around our vision to “give code an intelligent voice” and reflects our forward-looking culture. The new logo reinforces the idea of artificial intelligence and CodeScene being there as an extra team member, guiding you toward better software and teams.

    The new website presents relevant content in a clean, minimalistic and modern way with an aim to give visitors easy access to solutions and information.

    We are proud to share this new identity with our community and hope that it will inspire all of us to write better code, build happier teams and future proof our software.