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Published at January 27, 2017
Product Features

The Status of Your Code At a Glance

Primary use is as a tactical tool to make technical and organizational decisions around your codebase. Since we use CodeScene ourselves we have also learned that the tool has a lot to offer for us developers in our daily work.

CodeScene’s primary use is as a tactical tool to make technical and organizational decisions around your codebase.


Since we use CodeScene ourselves we have also learned that the tool has a lot to offer for us developers in our daily work. We use CodeScene to identify refactoring targets, prioritize tests and code reviews, and to simplify on-boarding of new project members.


CodeScene also comes with a set of automated early warnings. Those warnings are fired if CodeScene detects code that requires your attention. For example, CodeScene detects code that starts to accumulate complexity, code at risk to become a Hotspot or recent high-risk commits that require extra testing of code review efforts.


An early warning is an opportunity to react and prevent future maintenance headaches. That means you want to have an overview on the state of your codebase. One of our recent features is the project status badge intended to provide such a high-level overview:



Embed the project status badge in your GitHub README to provide a high-level view of the codebase.


The project status badge is available for all projects on via each projects configuration view. CodeScene generates a small text snippet for each of your analysis projects. You copy and embed the snippet in your README on GitHub, internal Wiki or any other web site. The information on the badge gets updated each time you run an analysis in CodeScene.



CodeScene generates an embeddable text snippet that lets you view your project status badge.


CodeScene is free for open source projects, so head over to, create a project and get your badge.

Adam Tornhil

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