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Use CodeScene for free on open source projects.

Open Source software is about sharing progress and making software better. CodeScene supports this movementby by helping to improve code and ensuring a high level of quality for the Open Source community.

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Start community edition

Guide your contributors efficiently. Make progress faster, together.

Icon-Actionable findings
Know where to focus your efforts

Get relevant and actionable insights. CodeScene identifies technical debt and guides refactoring.

Icon-Evaluate and prioritize
Save time in code reviews

Automate code reviews with pull request integration. Only review submissions that have passed CodeScene’s quality gates.

Icon-Holistic overview
Build healthy software

Systems with low technical debt are easier to maintain. Get visibility into your code health and improve your code.

CodeScene use cases Get my Community Edition
Get my Community Edition  

“I use the community version of the CodeScene product to analyze the technical debt of the project and focus refactoring efforts where it is really needed.

CodeScene gives a very precise vision of hotspots by correlating metrics obtained on the code and the activity of the teams on the project. The product is capable of underlining the sections of code presenting a risk. It also offers many other interesting features and metrics to effectively manage technical debt in projects.“

Jean-Pierre Lerbscher
Core developer of the Open Source JavaParser project.

Put a bar on code quality and move your software forward.

CodeScene lets you set quality gates to ensure a minimum level of code health for your software. Contributors get instant feedback on pull requests and you don’t need to spend time reviewing submissions until CodeScene thinks they're ready.

Go with Free

Track progress

Put a bar on code quality and move your software forward.

Track progress

CodeScene lets you set quality gates to ensure a minimum level of code health for your software. Contributors get instant feedback on pull requests and you don’t need to spend time reviewing submissions until CodeScene thinks they're ready.

Go with free

Go with Free


Is your software Open source?

We consider any publicly available repository to be Open source.
checker_alt Pull Request Integration
Automated PR review includes quality gates for code health issues, supervision of specified goals and full review of new code.
checker_alt Measure Code Health
Code health is an aggregated metric based on 25+ factors scanned from the source code.
checker_alt Virtual code review
Breakdown of the Code Health issues and recommendations on how to fix them. Combines social and technical analysis.
checker_alt Manage Technical Debt with Hotspots
Identify and prioritize technical debt and code quality issues based on how your organization works with the code.
checker_alt Visualize Knowledge Distribution
Detect key personnel risks, see how knowledge is distributed and detect architectural bottlenecks.
checker_alt Customizable Code Health Rules
An optional feature that lets you adapt CodeScene's rules to your internal coding standards.
checker_alt PDF Reports
Reports on Trends and Alerts, Technical Health, Key Personnel, Knowledge Distribution, full Management Overview.
Learn more and get started
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See CodeScene in action.

Here are some popular open source projects. For more, visit our showcase page.

Open source project


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that aims to efficiently update and render just the right components as data changes. It encourages you to write components that manage their own state, and to compose them into more complex UIs.
Analyze with CodeScene now!
Analyze with CodeScene now!
Open source project


Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run Linux applications as a lightweight isolated containers. It supports major Linux distributions and Windows.
Analyze with CodeScene now!
Analyze with CodeScene now!
Open source project


ASP.NET Core MVC is a model view controller framework for building dynamic web sites with clean separation of concerns, including the merged MVC, Web API, and Web Pages with Razor. The project is part of ASP.NET Core.
Analyze with CodeScene now!
Analyze with CodeScene now!

CodeScene Use Cases

Automate Code Reviews

CodeScene integrates with pull requests to provide feedback and detect code quality issues via an automated code review. This integration helps development teams by serving as a quality gate and early feedback loop.

Automate code reviews
Improve the Code Health of your Codebase

CodeScene analyzes your existing code and helps you set code health improvement goals. Start with an initial analysis, get actionable and prioritizes insights and track progress toward your goals.

Frame 1614
Identify, Prioritize and Manage Technical Debt

A codebase under active development is a moving target that’s going to change over time, which makes it difficult to manage technical debt. CodeScene lets you identify, prioritize and manage technical debt by giving you relevant and actionable information that you can turn into business value.

Identify tech debt

Have questions?

Contact us if you have any questions about CodeScene or visit our FAQ’s page.

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New visual identity
New website
new product interface
CodeScene just got a new look!

The new identity revolves around our vision to “give code an intelligent voice” and reflects our forward-looking culture. The new logo reinforces the idea of artificial intelligence and CodeScene being there as an extra team member, guiding you toward better software and teams.

The new website presents relevant content in a clean, minimalistic and modern way with an aim to give visitors easy access to solutions and information.

We are proud to share this new identity with our community and hope that it will inspire all of us to write better code, build happier teams and future proof our software.