Improve product quality and reduce bugs. Developers will spend less time on bug fixes and more time on innovation.
Improve your code health and implement features 2x as fast. Reduce cost and improve time-to-market.
Reduce uncertainty in task completion times by an order of magnitude with healthy code.
A Hotspot analysis helps you identify modules with high activity.
Hotspots are an excellent starting point if you want to find your productivity bottlenecks in code.
Low code health in a development Hotspots is expensive. Prioritize improvements here.
A Hotspot analysis helps you identify modules with high activity.
Hotspots are an excellent starting point if you want to find your productivity bottlenecks in code.
Low code health in a development Hotspots is expensive. Prioritize improvements here.
Some refactoring efforts pay off more than others. Use Hotspots to prioritize technical debt and maintenance problems.
CodeScene looks at patterns in how the developers interact with the codebase and how the code evolves.
Identify refactoring targets that will yield the highest return on investment.
Improve time to market, reduce development cost, free up time for innovation.
Some refactoring efforts pay off more than others. Use Hotspots to prioritize technical debt and maintenance problems.
CodeScene looks at patterns in how the developers interact with the codebase and how the code evolves.
Identify refactoring targets that will yield the highest return on investment.
Improve time to market, reduce development cost, free up time for innovation.
Filter code health insights per team to see what went well and what can be improved.
Detect high-risk tasks early and create realistic expectations with project stakeholders.
A shared view of the impact of issues supports continuous code improvement.
The new identity revolves around our vision to “give code an intelligent voice” and reflects our forward-looking culture. The new logo reinforces the idea of artificial intelligence and CodeScene being there as an extra team member, guiding you toward better software and teams.
The new website presents relevant content in a clean, minimalistic and modern way with an aim to give visitors easy access to solutions and information.
We are proud to share this new identity with our community and hope that it will inspire all of us to write better code, build happier teams and future proof our software.