
Release of CodeScene 2.5

Written by Adam Tornhil | Jun 20, 2018 4:00:00 PM

We’re proud to announce our 2.5 release of the CodeScene on-premise version!


CodeScene 2.5 comes with support for project-specific access, which is useful for larger organizations sharing a CodeScene instance, and we have also expanded our Code Biomarkers to cover more programming languages.




New Features


  • Project-Specific User Access: Control and restrict access to specific analysis projects on a user level.

  • Expanded Code Biomarkers: The code biomarkers act like a virtual code reviewer that looks for patterns that might indicate problems. This version of CodeScene adds support for:

    • Swift
    • Python
    • React (JSX and TSX files)
    • Objective C
    • Scala


An example on Code Biomarkers that provide a virtual code review of Swift code.


  • X-Ray for Google Test: Expand the X-Ray analysis and biomarkers to cover unit tests implemented using Google Test in C++.






  • Support delta analysis from a Gerrit staging repository.
  • Expand the X-Ray results with a column that specifies the number of overloaded methods.
  • Improve the documentation of user roles.
  • Resolve repositories with the same name used in the same analysis project.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.




Get your license for CodeScene here.