
Release of CodeScene 2.0

Written by Adam Tornhil | Jul 7, 2017 4:00:00 PM

We’re proud to announce our 2.0 release of the CodeScene on-premises version!


CodeScene 2.0 offers a new UI/UX together with several new analyses, particular on an architectural level.




New Features


  • Conway’s Law: CodeScene offers a new analysis that lets you evaluate how well your architecture aligns with your organization, aka Conway’s Law. Note that a similar analysis has been supported on file level; The difference here is that the analysis operates on your architectural components, for example on service boundaries. This high-level analysis is particularly useful if you work on microservice architectures.


Measure Conway’s Law in your codebase.


  • Find team coordination bottlenecks: CodeScene’s architectural analyses also lets you measure the coordination needs on an architectural level to detect sub-systems that become coordination bottlenecks or lack a clear ownership.


Find team coordination bottlenecks.


  • Measure Technical Sprawl: CodeScene visualizes the main programming language behind each module in your system. The technical sprawl analysis is particularly useful for off-boarding, where you simulate that one – or more – developers leave.


Combine Technical Sprawl with Knowledge Loss for off-boarding.


  • Kotlin support in X-Ray.

  • Analysis house-keeping rules like “delete all analyses older than a week” or “just keep the last 5 analysis results”.

  • New Hotspot visualization: Unifies the different aspects of hotspots into a single view. We also present the directory structure as a navigable view.

Switch between different aspects in the hotspot view.






  • Exclude specific commits from a project. This is useful in case you have an initial commit to import an existing codebase.

  • No overlap between the labels in the visualizations.

  • Support disabling auto-detection of content since it may lead to noisy data in some codebases.

  • Show the current branch of each repository under analysis.

  • Calculate a default exclusion filter based on the content of the codebase.

  • Remove the color specification for authors and teams since CodeScene now generates distinct colors automatically.

  • Improved data mining by tracking content that has been copy-pasted from other files.

  • Make the thresholds in the delta analysis configurable. Note that this requires a new version of CodeScene’s Jenkins Plugin.

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.




Contact us to get your license for CodeScene here.